Wild edibles class

Wild edibles class

This course gives you a practical and hands-on experience with edible plants.

The course lasts 3-5 hours and is outdoors. You must therefore dress according to the conditions and bring your own food and drink. Good shoes are reccomended as we will walk for a few hours.

The course instructor is certified and approved wild edibles expert through the Norwegian Mushroom and wild edibles Association.

The course takes place as a walk through a local area where we study local plants that can be used as food or medicine. Each participant receives a book with an overview of the most common plants. We will look at different plants and their characteristics as well as poisoness look-a-likes. We will also look at tools and equipment suitable for collection and gathering.

Price per. participant 499 Kr

Check the course page for the next available class. To secure your place on the course, sign up here.

For any question about the course, you can contact us directly by email below

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